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Creating Organic Assisted Living Marketing Connections


Less Rejection, More Connection: Smart Strategies for Outreach

Building Organic Connections with Assisted Living Decision Makers

In the realm of marketing, particularly for assisted living facilities, the standard cold pitch can come off as insincere or overly aggressive. Hence, crafting a gentle and seemingly “accidental” interaction can be the perfect way to initiate genuine and organic relationships with decision-makers. Here are some nuanced strategies to navigate these connections:

1. Engage on Social Media:

Dive into their digital world. Like, share, or comment on their posts. However, ensure your engagements are genuine, not overly promotional, making your presence felt in a non-salesy way.

2. Be Active in Online Communities:

Join forums, LinkedIn groups, or other online communities relevant to the assisted living industry. Actively participate by providing value – share articles, answer queries, or initiate insightful discussions. Over time, your name or brand will be recognized as an industry expert, making decision-makers more receptive when you reach out.

3. Mutual Connections:

Have a mutual contact introduce you. It’s always less intimidating for someone to talk to a person they’ve been introduced to by someone they trust.

4. Attend Industry-specific Events:

Whether it’s an assisted living conference, a health care workshop, or a community outreach event, be there. Being physically present at these events not only provides learning opportunities but also offers the chance to bump into potential clients.

5. Highlight Outstanding Administrators:

Initiate a newsletter or blog feature that spotlights outstanding assisted living administrators. Reach out to them, expressing your interest in featuring their achievements. It’s a sincere gesture that shows you value their work and it can pave the way for deeper conversations.

6. Offer Free Workshops:

Conducting free workshops or webinars on topics that could benefit assisted living facilities can put you on their radar. It’s a genuine way to offer value without directly selling anything.


Subtlety is the name of the game when creating organic connections. These “accidental” interactions, over time, not only foster trust but can also position you as a genuine ally in the industry. By approaching potential clients with authenticity and a genuine desire to offer value, you set the foundation for long-lasting and fruitful business relationships.

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