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Assisted Living Facilities Marketing

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Selling to Assisted Living Facilties: Know Who You’re Talking To

Marketing to assisted living facilities is about more than just having a good product or service. It’s about understanding the people who make the decisions. These decision-makers usually fall into two main groups. Here’s a deeper look at them, and why understanding their differences can really help your marketing game.

The Long-Timers:

  1. Experience: These folks have been around the block. They’ve worked in assisted living for a long time and have seen many offers come their way.
  2. Trust is Key: They rely on products and services and relationships that they’ve known and trusted for years. New doesn’t always mean better for them.
  3. Sales Pitch Radar: They can spot a sales pitch from a mile away. To get through, you will need to put in a lot of work just to get them to listen to you.
  4. Guarded: They often have people around them, like assistants, who help filter out unnecessary sales calls.

When talking to long-timers, patience, and building trust are crucial. You will to connect personally before you get to prove the worth of your product or service.

The Fresh Faces:

  1. Eager to Learn: They’re new to the world of assisted living or their specific job role. This means they’re actively looking for ways to improve things.
  2. Open to New Ideas: They’re more likely to give new products or services a chance. This is your window of opportunity.
  3. Busy Bees: While they’re open to new things, they’re also busy. They’re juggling a lot, trying to find the best tools and services.

With fresh faces, clarity is essential. Make your pitch simple, honest, and show them how you can make their life easier.


If you want to sell to assisted living facilities, you need to tailor your approach based on who you’re talking to. The long-timers value the trust and proven results as they are also comfortable in their old ways “If it ain’t broke don’t fix it”. The fresh faces are looking for the best tools to help them settle into their new roles. By understanding these two groups, you can better craft your marketing strategy and find success.

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